New: LocalCore
100 % Datensicherheit
100 % Kontrolle
100 % flexibel
100 % planbare Kosten
Your door opener to artificial intelligence and more efficiency
We develop AI solutions for companies that want to use their knowledge and transform it into powerful tools of the future.
our customers
In the world of AI
Artificial intelligence opens doors. Explore how your company's expertise can be transformed into breakthrough solutions.
Wir sind sicher!
Für maximale Datensicherheit bieten wir mit LocalCore eine On-Premises-Option, die sensible Daten schützt und vollständige Kontrolle garantiert.
Vollständige Einhaltung aller Datenschutzvorschriften und regulatorischen Anforderungen.
Immerse yourself in the world of solutions from headwAI
Knowledge is your treasure!
The user benefit is what drives us!
AI is our tool!
Our solutions create with the application ofn AI based on knowledge provides more benefits for users.
The AI chat for your website and employees – created in 5 minutes. Multilingual and customizable.
The support assistant that never sleeps, speaks all languages and makes your customers happier.
Der perfekte Assistent für Ihre Mitarbeiter:innen, der jede Information aktuell verfügbar hat.
The secure AI solution where your knowledge is fully accessible but the data never leaves your company
The right AI team makes the difference
We have developed AI
The basis of our AI solutions is in-depth experience in the development of proprietary GPT models. This expertise allows us to exploit the full potential of generative models and create tailor-made solutions for your organization. We rely on proven methodologies and innovative thinking to bring you advanced AI technology that delivers real results.
Entwicklung und Anpassung:
At headwAI, the focus is on your benefit and rapid implementation. Our approach guarantees strong implementation skills that offer you an optimal cost-benefit ratio. We are committed to ensuring that you invest not just in a solution, but in measurable value that simplifies your processes and maximizes your effectiveness.
We turn our amazement into laughter
To be there today where others still dream. We design solutions that exceed your imagination – and turn the impossible into reality.
Unser Sicherheitsfeature basiert auf fortschrittlichen Kontrollmetriken, die die Genauigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit unserer Lösungen gewährleisten. Diese Metriken umfassen Echtzeitüberwachung und regelmäßige Audits, um die Leistung der Systeme kontinuierlich zu bewerten und zu optimieren. Damit schaffen Sie die ideale Voraussetzung, um Ihre automatische Support Lösung im IKS zu prüfen und Sie ist fit die NIS2 und EU AI Act.